For that player-to-be-named-later and my's wedding...yeah, this actually happened. Wedding Fail? Obvi. Woof. And all other words to describe the horror.
In the past month, I've accomplished many things:
1. I decided where I'm applying to grad school
2. I have tan lines
3. I've played in a sprinkler
4. I've gone to New York
5. I've gone to St. Louis
6. I read three books
7. I bought a wedding dress
8. I slept. A lot.
9. I started meditating, though not very successfully
In the past month, I've NOT accomplished many things:
...I'm pretty sure I have some sort of disease, and it's called "can't-do-shit-until-the-night-before-itis". It's really serious, and there's still no cure. I'm counting on new advances in science to help me with this dire condition. Until then, this is what tomorrow night will look like:
= thesis? Pray for me.
Yeah, in case you missed it, I went to New York last month to visit Gracie. Here's what happened:

1. I decided where I'm applying to grad school
2. I have tan lines
3. I've played in a sprinkler
4. I've gone to New York
5. I've gone to St. Louis
6. I read three books
7. I bought a wedding dress
8. I slept. A lot.
9. I started meditating, though not very successfully
In the past month, I've NOT accomplished many things:
...I'm pretty sure I have some sort of disease, and it's called "can't-do-shit-until-the-night-before-itis". It's really serious, and there's still no cure. I'm counting on new advances in science to help me with this dire condition. Until then, this is what tomorrow night will look like:
Yeah, in case you missed it, I went to New York last month to visit Gracie. Here's what happened:

Brooklyn Bridge

Awkward for me.

Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory
Central Park
Grace's Apt
Mr. Beaver is quite an accomplished traveller. He's been to NYC, Amsterdam, London, Athens, Paris, Le Mans, Fond du Lac, St. Louis, Lake Geneva, Evanston, Chicago, and Ithaca.
I'm joining my friends' fantasy premier league team. I'm nervous, as this is the first time that I'm taking on such an endeavor. I've done fantasy baseball for the bast six years, but this is a whole new ball game. And, as Matt put in the e-mail to us about the league, "no, Katie, this is not a way for you to line up all the players you think are hot and want to shtup." Way to call me out.
Now, many of you may be asking yourself, "Katie, what sort of genius name have you come up with for your team?" Good. Question. My fantasy baseball teams have all been named various levels of Spartacus (Spartacus, Spartacus II, Spartacus the third, etc.), but I felt like going in a different direction with this one. So, allow me to introduce the best and most amazing Premier League Fantasy Team name EVER: The Chudley Cannons. If you don't get it, you don't deserve to (or, just google it, cause I'm not explaining it).
I'm joining my friends' fantasy premier league team. I'm nervous, as this is the first time that I'm taking on such an endeavor. I've done fantasy baseball for the bast six years, but this is a whole new ball game. And, as Matt put in the e-mail to us about the league, "no, Katie, this is not a way for you to line up all the players you think are hot and want to shtup." Way to call me out.
Now, many of you may be asking yourself, "Katie, what sort of genius name have you come up with for your team?" Good. Question. My fantasy baseball teams have all been named various levels of Spartacus (Spartacus, Spartacus II, Spartacus the third, etc.), but I felt like going in a different direction with this one. So, allow me to introduce the best and most amazing Premier League Fantasy Team name EVER: The Chudley Cannons. If you don't get it, you don't deserve to (or, just google it, cause I'm not explaining it).