Stumbling down the stairs at quarter to one in the afternoon cursing your life is NOT a productive way to start the day. That coupled with the snow storm that was brewing was grounds for me to give up on the day and crawl back into bed, but I nevertheless perservered and heated up left over Mount Everest (palak paneer) and watched Sabrina, The Teenage Witch for an hour (yeah, that actually happened).
Finally, I got myself together and left the house to go and drop off the dry cleaning and meet Mags and Harrison for a quick bite to eat at Cross Rhodes. If you have never had this delicious cuisine, I highly suggest you try it.
I had a cheese pita and some Greek fries. Delicious? Definitely. Healthy? No. Worth it? YES.
Maggie and I then headed to Baker to pick livi up from school, and then to ETHS to grab Asher (the third Stamell child). As always, here is a snipped of our conversation:
Katie: Yesterday we had a music lesson, didn't we Livi?
Livi: Yeah! I learned about three bands.
Maggie: Yeah, I'm sure you did...Led Zeppelin?
Livi: Yeah, and Pink Fluffy someone.
Katie: Floyd. Pink Floyd.
Livi: OK, and they have an album called "The Wall" and they made a movie out of it. I can't remember the third one though.
Katie: The Rolling Stones. Very important in the history of Rocking.
Maggie: What about The Police? Do you know them?
Livi: Yeah! Sending out an SOS!!
Maggie: Hell yes!
...that is NOT grounds for Maggie to take me to another Sting concert.
ETHS --> 1138 Judson --> 724 Michigan --> Piano Lesson --> home
Not too much running around today. Mondays are the worst for that.
Maggie and I lazed around for a while, I playe
I absolutely love questing. It's the best party.
Maggie and I decided to do something with our lives after Mommy Julie came home and relieved me from my duties, so we went to Chili's for diner (we're so classy) and then went to Urban Outfitters where I proceeded to spend money not on anyone else, but only on myself. Epic Fail of the day #2. Oh well. I bought more legwarmers.... (True Life: I love legwarmers and how they make me feel warm and happy...though Grace is still in denial gracegclarke

Currently listening to: Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist Soundtrack
Currently reading: Percy Jackson and the Olympians book 4 (almost done!)
Currently craving: my girls and I to be reunited...

Nothing beats the love between girls who have been friends for eight years!!
Now, a final couple of thoughts:
1) Rachel Hirsch is my hero for the day, prompting me to create a new daily feature: HERO OF THE DAY! Congratulations to Rachel on being the first ever recipient of this prestigious award.
2) Vampires. I'm still not over it...awkward.
Peace, love, and Paris Hilton,
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