Saturday, March 14, 2009

Procrastination Nation

I can't concentrate. This could be due to (and I have an inkling that I'm correct) the fact that I've consumed about 12 diet cokes today. I'm an addict, and yes, I'm concerned for my well being and yes, I've considered quitting. But lay off me, I'm STARVING. I've discovered a woman who shares my enthusiasm for Diet Coke, and her name is Natalie Dee, and she is fucking wonderful and awesome.


this gem is called, "a gallon of diet coke straight to the dome"

paper writing playlist:
My Morning Jacket Evil Urges
Bob Dylan Blonde on Blonde
M83 Saturdays = Youth
Bon Iver For Emma, Forever Ago
Girl Talk Feed the Animals
Daft Punk Discovery

Let's hope my next post begins with, "welp, I finished one!"



  1. ¡ si, te puedes!!!!!!!!

    no te preocupes m'hija.

  2. por favor escribir en ingles, no intiendo espanol.
    aber meine nichte, machen sie sich keine sorgen ihrer schönen kopf.

  3. i even wrote in german and that hasn't prompted you to blog. enough of writing papers and studying, start doing what's important and update us on your life.
